Auction House

Sell or buy items in the auction-house!


The auction house is a simple tool to offer your items if you want to sell them quickly or to browse for items you are looking for. Any new auctions are broadcasted in the #trading channel on the discord.

/ah - Opening the auction house

/ah or /auctionhouse opens the auction house GUI where you can buy currently listed items with LEFTCLICK on an item, which you will be asked to confirm. If you forgot how to sell an item, you can look at the Informations tab in the GUI.

Selling an item

Simply take the item you want to sell in your hand and type /ah sell <price> <number of items>to put an item up for sale.

Buying items

Buying an item is as easy as clicking on the item you want to purchase in the /ah GUI. You will then be asked to confirm your purchase. After purchasing, you will find the item in your inventory. If your inventory was full when you purchased the item, it will be stored in the Bought items section in the /ah GUI.

Retrieving/Expiring items

Items that are put up in the auction house and are not bought by another player will expire after 7 days. You can retrieve your items in the Expired items section in the /ah GUI.

Last updated