Protecting Blocks & Contents

You can protect your chests, doors and other containers, which is highly advised to protect yourself from griefers and make your life and moderator lives a little easier.

Protection Creation


Create a private protection. Private means only you are able to access the protection unless you grant other users access as well. Learn how to add other users to your protection here. Alternatively you can also use /lock.

To protect many blocks at once, use /cpersist before entering /lock. This will let you perform the last action on several blocks without needing to re-type the command. /cpersist also works with other protection commands.


Create a public protection. Anyone can use a public protection, but no one can unlock it except the owner.

/cpassword [password]

Password-protect a block. Every time you log in, you need to re-enter the password to access the protection. Anyone who knows the password can access the protection.


Create a display protection. Anyone can view the protection's contents but cannot modify them.

Protection Management

/trust add [username]

Trusting a user enables that user to access all of your protections with only one command.

/trust remove [username]

Removing a user from your trust, makes the user unable to access your protections (default).


Modify an existing protection. Each modification either grants access (by default), removes access (using -), or gives admin access (using @) on the protection. Several modifications can be made in a single command by separating each one with a space.


/cmodify Ryoyo @Evitarr - adds Ryoyo to the protection and Evitarr as a protection admin. /cmodify -Ryoyo -Evitarr - removes access to the protection from Ryoyo and Evitarr.


Removes protection from a block.


Unlock a password-protected block.

Protection flags

/lwc flag hopper [on/off]

Controls whether or not hoppers can be used to place and take out items into a protected block. Off by default.

/lwc flag hopperin [on/off]

Controls whether or not hoppers can be used to place items into a protected block. Off by default.

/lwc flag hopperout [on/off]

Controls whether or not hoppers can be used to take items out of a protected block. Off by default.

Last updated