
Brewery allows you to create alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, which can give you effects or get you drunk in a way you probably haven't experienced in Minecraft.

This tutorial will help you get started in the art of brewing, involving fermenting, distilling and barrel aging to create the highest quality of your favorite beverages. Recipes can be found here.


The Setup

To get started with brewing your first beverage, you will need a specific setup. Simply follow the steps outlined below.

  1. Light up a campfire.

  2. Put a Cauldron on top of the campfire.

  3. Fill the Cauldron with water.

Only campfires work as a source of heat for the brewery.

Whenever you start a new brew, make sure to fill your cauldron with fresh water.

Adding ingredients

Once your basic setup is complete, you can get to adding ingredients and starting to make your first brew.

Simply right-click the cauldron with the ingredients you'd like to put in and you should start to see colored particles rise from it. Some recipes are straightforward, others will require you to experiment. You can find recipes here.

Boiling time

To check how long your ingredients have been boiling, craft yourself a clock and right-click the cauldron with the clock. The boiling time will be shown in the chat. This will be important in perfecting your recipes and making the best quality brews.


Once your brew has been boiled to satisfaction, you may use empty bottles to fill them. Simply right-click the cauldron with empty bottles until the cauldron is empty and you should see the desired result if you followed a recipe successfully.

If your brew has a description (item-lore), the color and stars will indicate the quality of your brew.


Some recipes will call for distillation before it can be finished or further processed.

Distilling is fairly simple, all you need is a the brew you created in the previous step, a brewing stand and some glowstone dust.

Many brews will require multiple runs of distillation to achieve perfect quality, so have an eye on the description of your brew, the colors will give you hints on the current quality!


Many brews will require to be aged in barrels to become the final product or reach the desired quality. 1x Minecraft day = 1x "year" aged inside a barrel.


To age your drinks, you need to store them in barrels that you can build yourself. Some recipes require aging in barrles made from a specific wood-type. There are three different sizes of barrels.

You can /lock barrels like any other container.

Minecraft barrel - 6 slots

A small amount of brews can be aged in the standard Minecraft-Barrel. Simply craft it, place the barrel and put up to 6 brews inside.

The standard minecraft barrel counts as an oak-barrel for brewing.

Small barrel - 9 slots

Put 8x wooden stairs together in the shape of a barrel. Place a sign on the lower right side and write "Barrel" in the upper Line:

A "Barrel created" message should appear in chat. Now you can open the barrel by using right-click anywhere on the barrel and store up to 9 brews inside it to age.

Big barrel - 27 Slots

Use 5x Fences, 16x wooden stairs and 18 wood planks to build a barrel shape on top of 4 legs. Attach a spigot (Fence) and a sign that has "Barrel" written in the top line at the top of the barrel:

A "barrel created" message should appear in chat. Now you can open the barrel by using right-click anywhere on the barrel and store up to 27 brews inside it to age.


To sell your brews inside chest-shops, you need to seal them. When you create a shop with a brew, all brews inside the chest need to be the same, so by sealing them you "equalize" your brews to other brews of the same type and same or similar quality. By sealing them, you also stop them from aging any further if put back inside a barrel - the brew can't be modified anymore after sealing. Sealed brews will also not show their exact brewing-details anymore.

Sealing Table

To seal your brew, you need a sealing table. All you need is 4x wood planks and 2x glass bottle.

Now to seal your brews, simply put in your finished brews into the Brew Sealing Table for a couple seconds. You will notice the simplified item-lore e.g. your brew won't show how many years it has aged, how often it has been distilled, which indicates that your brew has been successfully sealed.

Alcohol and its effects

I won't spoil too much but alcohol can have some interesting effects. If you had too much low quality alcohol and bad things happen, don't give up and just try again (You will understand what I mean if you ever get to that point).

If you (or your friends) get too annoyed by your drunk babbling and you can't seem to sober up, you can use a * at the beginning and end of your sentence to bypass the drunken rambling.

To sober up, wait it out, drink a lot of milk and eat bread until you are sober again.

Final tips

  • Some recipes are easier than others. Try starting it with some of the basic brews like beer, wine or coffee to get started.

  • If you are trying to figure out a more difficult recipe, be patient and keep adjusting your formula until it's right!

Last updated