
Telecraft is the main form of teleportation on the server. It allows you to teleport to places, as well as teleport entities to locations such as animals or mobs.

Strange Rune

The base recipe for all forms of teleportation is the strange rune which needs to be bound to a location with SNEAK + RIGHT CLICK. You can rename the strange rune with an anvil which will display the name when crafted into a strange block.

To use this strange rune for further crafting, remember to bind it it with SNEAK + RIGHT CLICKto a location. Otherwise it won't be usable.

Strange Block

To create a strange block with which you can teleport, encase the strange rune that is bound to a location in Obsidian inside a crafting bench. Upon placing it, it can then be used by players to teleport to its bound location by hitting it with LEFT CLICK. When a player uses a strange block, it teleports everyone that is standing around it in a small range. You can make the strange block private with RIGHT CLICK. This will prevent other players from using your telecraft. A privated strange block has no rune glow. To remove the strange block, SNEAKand mine it. You can also put Soulsand under the Strange Block to make teleportation silent.

Piece of a Rune

A bound strange rune can be crafted into Pieces of the Rune, which can then be further processed into potions. Simply drop it into the middle of a crafting table.

Rune Potion

Players can drink Rune Potions to teleport to the location that has been bound to a rune. To craft Rune Potions, drop your Piece of a Rune into a Brewing stand, along with Blaze Powder as fuel and Awkward Potion as a base.

Splash Rune Potion

Rune potions can be turned into Splash Rune Potions which you can throw at yourself or other entities such as mobs or villagers to teleport them to the bound location. Simply put the potions into the Brewing Stand, make sure it is powered with Blaze Powder and mix them with Gunpowder.

Lingering Rune Potion

From a Splash Rune Potion, you can craft a Lingering Rune Potion. Throwing a lingering rune potion on the ground will create a temporary portal between where you threw the potion and where the Potion is bound to, which you can travel back and forth from.

To craft it, mix the Splash Rune Potion with Dragons breath in a Brewing Stand that is powered by Blaze Powder.

Strange Arrow

A Lingering Rune Potion can be crafted into Strange Arrows, which can be used to teleport entities when shooting them. To craft 8 strange arrows, simply encase a Lingering Rune Potion with8x Arrows in a crafting table.

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