Mobs & Farms

This page serves as information for people who want to make their mobfarms efficient or want to check if their farm design is going to work out.

View Distance

view-distance: 5

View-distance is distance in chunks around the player that the server will tick. Essentially the distance from the player that things will happen, including furnaces smelting, crops and saplings growing etc.

no-tick-view-distance: 7

This is the maximum view distance in chunks that players are able to see. Chunks beyond the actual view-distance won't tick.

Mob (De-)Spawning

per-player-mob-spawns: true

Enables a more singleplayer-like spawning of mobs, where spawn-limits are per-player rather than across the entire server.

mob-spawn-range: 4

The range in chunks of where mobs will spawn around the player.

Despawn Ranges

Despawn ranges are measured in blocks.

Soft: 36

When mobs are at a distance to the player between the soft and hard despawn range, mobs have a random chance of despawning.

Hard: 88

When mobs are at a distance to the player larger than the hard despawn range, they will instantly despawn.

Entity Behavior

Entity Activation Range

Measured in blocks. This is the distance you can be to a mob for it to tick (do stuff). Beyond the activation range, iron and other farms might not work.

Villagers: 20 Flying-monsters: 24 Water: 8 Animals: 16 Monsters: 24 Raiders: 36 Misc: 8

tick-inactive-villagers: false

Villagers will not be ticked outside of activation range, meaning they will not restock or will go about any of their other AI routines.

For your iron farm to work, you need to be within the EAR (Entity Activation Range) of the villager. Beyond this distance, villagers won't do anything.

nerf-spawner-mobs: true

Mobs spawned by a monster spawner have no AI and will not attack you. They won't do anything in fact.

iron-golems-can-spawn-in-air: false​

Iron Golems can't spawn in the air. May also break certain farm designs.

max-entity-collisions: 2

An entity can only process two collisions at once, meaning mobs won't die from entity cramming.

Mob Limits

The amount of mobs of a specific type that can be in an area of 3x3 chunks is limited due to performance reasons. When the limit has been reached, more mobs of the same type will be prevented from spawning. When putting more than the maximum amount of possible mobs together in an area, entities going above that limit will despawn.

Remember that you can view chunk-borders by pressing F3 + G in-game.

These limits are in no particular order so if you are looking for something specific use the search bar at the top left or press CTRL + F to search on the page.


Elder Guardian: 10 Wither Skeleton: 10 Stray: 20 Husk: 20 Zombie Villager: 18 Skeleton Horse: 10 Creeper: 15 Skeleton: 15 Spider: 15 Zombie: 15 Slime: 15 Ghast: 15 Zombified Piglin: 20 Enderman: 25 Cave Spider: 17 Blaze: 15 Magma Cube: 12 Wither: 3 Witch: 15 Endermite: 20 Guardian: 15 Shulker: 20 Pig: 20 Sheep: 20 Cow: 20 Chicken: 20 Wolf: 10 Mushroom Cow: 15 Snowman: 5 Iron Golem: 10 Rabbit: 20 Polar Bear: 10 Llama: 15 Parrot: 10 Villager: 18 Turtle: 20 Phantom: 20 Cod: 20 Salmon: 20 Pufferfish: 20 Tropical fish: 20 Drowned: 20 Dolphin: 10 Panda: 20 Fox: 10 Bee: 20 Hoglin: 20 Piglin: 20 Strider: 20 Zoglin: 20

Last updated